The city mouse and the country mouse

"Do you really want to leave all this fine food?" asked the city mouse.
"The city is nice, but corn and safety are better than cherry pie and danger,"said the country mouse.
The two mice hugged good-bye.
The country mouse and  the city mouse eat corn and beans but, it was boring for the city mouse.
After that they go to city to eat the finest meat, cheese, and pie but, it was dangerous because  it is food that people eat. Then country mouse was found by people and had scaring experience actually. From this experience ,country mouse choose safety and corn.
I agree with country mouse choices because it is smart than choose dangerous.
If there is good things that dangerous, it doesn't make sense.


nibble :かじる
wrinkle up :しわを寄せる


  1. eat corn and beans but, it was boring for the city mouse
    eat corn and beans, but it was boring for the city mouse

    danger," said




Do I tell?

Stories of Gnome & Goblins
