The GingerbreadMan

“I don’t like cookies,” fibbed the clever fox.
“I just want to help you get across this river.
Hop on my shoulder! I promise you will not get wet.”
This story is that gingerbread man baked an old woman ran away from her, dog and cow because they wanted to eat gingerbread man. After while he met fox standing by a river and the fox wanted to eat gingerbread man but he said “I don’ like cookies,” and helped gingerbread man to across the river.
However the fox munched the cookies in one bite.
Read this story, I think the cookie man is so poor and the fox was smarter than cookies man.
I didn’t think this story ends like this because this is the story for kids But I think it is also important to lean to things like this.


Fib: 騙す



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